Meet the Artist for CY33’s Courtyard Mural: Cassie Suche


Cassie Suche

Get to know the artist behind the upcoming courtyard mural at CY33. Cassie Suche is a visual artist pushing contemporary abstract design to new heights. We are so proud to have Cassie as one of the artists creating the focal point of CY33 this fall.


Your art spans the walls of buildings to the labels of wine bottles. What is your favorite part of your creative process?  

I’m happiest when I’m learning something new. Exploring a new process or working with a new material is really exciting for me. It’s the stage I can begin imagining all the directions that the work can be pushed in. I find this part of my process the most energizing.

What is the most difficult part of your work? 

Lately I’ve found it really challenging to carve out time and space for my own experiments. Being playful and creating with no expectations is so important to developing new ideas and keeping joy at the forefront of the work.

"Being playful and creating with no expectations is so important”

What design elements or principles do you most resonate with?  

Simplicity is a really key aspect of my work. I try to use really basic elements and build them into something more complex. I play around a lot with the ratio of order and chaos in a work, it’s all about exploring that balance.

Who are you trying to communicate to with your art and what does it have to say?  

To me, the works are just a by-product of process and exploration. There is no direct message in it, and even if there was no one to look at it, I would still make it.

Where do you find inspiration for creating your designs? 

I’m really fascinated by the way that patterns grow and develop in nature, that kind of visual input definitely makes its way into my work. When it comes to being inspired though for me, nothing really compares to just getting to work. Creating makes me want to create, and I think it’s important to look not just outwards but also inwards for inspiration. 

"I think it’s important to look not just outwards but also inwards for inspiration.”

How does the Calgary community inspire you and your work?  

Calgary has been so supportive of my work. I am constantly learning new things from everyone in the city and especially from those in the arts community. Conversations with artists, dealers, curators in Calgary have really shaped my fundamental beliefs about what it means to be an artist and what a strong artistic community can achieve for a city.

This past year has been like no other. Is there anything you’ve been up to or any simple pleasures improving your overall happiness this past year?   

The simple thing I have been working on in the past year is trying to kinder to myself, to my work, and to the world around me.





CY33Alkarim Devani