Be A Good Neighbour


To Our Dearest RNDSQR Fam,

As of Monday, March 16, we have closed our office and our team will be working remotely for the foreseeable future. We’re doing our part during this unsettling time to commit to social distancing and flattening the curve to keep our neighbours safe and healthy. If you need to reach us, the RNDSQR team will be available by phone and email while we continue to conduct business, as usual, as best as we can.

We’ve been watching as many local restaurants, bars, and stores are announcing their temporary closure. It’s been heartbreaking to see, but ultimately it’s the most responsible response and we can’t respect these difficult decisions more. To the frontline workers taking care of EVERYONE, we can’t express how thankful we are for you!!

Though the last few days and weeks have been tough for everyone, there have been some happy moments too - like videos surfacing of Italians singing on their balconies together or like the reduced carbon emissions from production and travel cuts which have caused blue skies and clear water all around the world.

To help ease your social distancing efforts, we wanted to put together a guide on getting through this uncertain time. Below you’ll find a few tips on self-care and mental health management, on being a good neighbour, and supporting local businesses when possible.

Self Care + Mental Health Management

We are not doctors, we are space builders, so please don’t take any of this advice as medical advice - we are merely making suggestions to help make self-isolation and social distancing easier.

  • Call a friend, or better yet facetime them so you can see an actual human

  • Nap; I’m sure we all have lots of sleep to catch up on

  • Read, read, read! Start a quarantine book club with some friends?

  • Watch that documentary you’ve been meaning to watch

  • Take a bath with your favourite bath bomb

  • Do a deep clean of your house!

  • Try an at-home workout - lots of local yoga studios are posting live yoga classes

  • Play a board or card game with your housemates, there are also lots of game you can play with friends virtually (but you already knew that)

  • Make a new culinary dish you’ve never made before from the cookbook you bought months ago

  • Meditate.

  • Write a letter, a blog, anything

  • Water your plants!

  • Clean out your closet

  • Make something - learn a new craft

Be A Good Neighbour

The easiest part of being a good neighbour right now is… staying home when you can! By looking after yourself and isolating yourself, you are already 10 points up as a good neighbour. Don’t forget to check in on your family, friends, neighbours, and those most at risk like seniors to make sure they’re doing okay. See if they need help shoveling their sidewalks, grabbing groceries, walking their dog, or anything else they might need help with (from a distance of course). Don’t forget to wash your hands and be kind!

Supporting Local

Have you been running to the grocery store to stock up (only taking what you need we hope)? Don’t forget about the small guys - your local businesses that may suffer most during this crisis. Here are a few of our favourites - make sure to check in on their website and social pages for the most up to date information on hours, etc. We suggest supporting them by buying gift cards to use at a later date, buying online, calling in orders for delivery or pick up, always considering the small shops first, and most importantly staying home if you’re feeling sick!

We hope this helps during this uncertain time. Remember that we’re not actually “social distancing”, but instead “physical distancing”, so the connections, smiles, and laughter won’t stop. We’re in this together.

